Monday, October 21, 2013

What the hell is wrong with me?!

What the hell is wrong with me?! I wish I can find an answer for that question. I wasn't so much of an expressing child or a talking person, or at least I see myself that way, and when it comes to express I get defensive "don't know why!". "I like being alone. At least I convince myself I'm better off that way", but I'm not happy being alone and I'm not happy being among people either.

 I wish for something and when I feel it will come to me I panic and don't know whether I really wanted it or not. Too much contradictions, confusion, self pressure. So what the hell is wrong with me?! 

Monday, October 7, 2013

بالرغم من ألم السكوت...

بحبك يا مدونتي.. في عز خنقتي وعياطي بدخل هنا
جوا مني كلام كتير عايزة اقوله واكتبه بس مش هيحصل.. مش قلة ثقة فيكِ .. إنما عشان مش عيزاه يتقري.. 

بالرغم من ألم السكوت ...
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